Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just Dance!

So last night was one of my favorite nights of the week because i have dance class! I have danced pretty much my whole life. My sister and i used to make home videos dancing away instead of going out to play like other kids. Not to toot my own horn, but you can say we were, and still are pretty damn good at it. i feel sexy and confident when i move around to music. It takes me away to a relaxed paradise like place in my mind. I almost feel like i am floating. If you let your body just feel the music the movement will come naturally. I have always dreamed of having a dancing partner in life. i feel like two people can really connect in an amazing way on the dance floor. My sister and her husband have that, it's amazing to watch them and the chemistry that they have. I want to find someone to dance with for the rest of my life. Someone that will have that same passion for this form of art as i do. I wanna be able to dance with my partner as if no one is watching. My dancing partner is out there......i hope! lol